Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Friend Birthday....GrEeN BoX

Is a hapy day 4 tat day coz my two celebrate birthday 2 2gather... tat day go green box celebrate is a suddenly planning but oso quiet nice although prepare in less time..... so sucessful... So happy can enjoy singing sumore take photo n celebrate their birthday.... although v r 5 ppl but v stil can crazy between ourself....
to b continue.........

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My lovely doggie....

why u suddenly pass away my lovely doggie? i dint c u for a long time odi .... i juz thinking wan bac c u when the cuming holiday... y dint wait me go bac c u...... my feeling is so bcum so down when i get sms that told me u pass away last saturday..... hope u will bcum a angel beside me....my lovely doggie

Study Environment

So happy 2day cause i start feel have study environment at here... i start make revision and oso bcause my exam hall have air-con problem then make my exam delayed.... make my mood bcum good n no more stress like go to beach.... freedom.... hope god have cheng yi la can pass mid term.... still have few assignmnet dint finish yet hope everything will b ok when closing date.....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


你们真的是很好人。。。 还记得我眼睛发炎时,你们带我去看doctor吗?翘课陪我去,我真的真的很感动。。。所以有事记得找我帮忙喔。。。 哈哈。。jeffrey,有没有交到女朋友?长得还不错不可能交不到咯。。。可是不要讲你长得不错太高兴睡不着哈哈。。Alex,你会不会很可怜?现在住的家没有漂亮的姐姐ler...

好烦恼喔。。。 救救我

WHY 有很多功课可是我又天天很闲没事做不懂从那里开始做。。。知道要做的又不会做
就快要考试了好担心哦。。。 救命啊有没有人可以救救我???

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


看到这些相片就会想到我们在一起快乐的日子。。。有时看到这些照片就想笑,跟你们在一起真的很好,充满笑容。大家都扮演不同的角色,我们办的节目,生日会都很成功。。。大家互相帮忙的精神真的很值得珍惜。希望我们的友谊可以一直保持下去。。。 虽然我们都到不同的地方读书但愿我们常常可以聚会。。。 其实我很感激你们对我无微不至的照顾,谢谢你们哦我的sister和brother。。。